Offensive Pentesting

Acquire the skills needed to go and get certified by well known certifiers in the security industry. Learn about industry-used penetration testing tools and attain techniques to become a successful penetration tester.


Prepare yourself for real world penetration testing

  • Utilise industry standard tools
  • Learn realistic attack scenarios
  • Train in offensive security
  • Supporting exercises & resources
Complete this learning path and earn a certificate of completion


No matter where you are, the skills and requirements for a penetration tester will be the same. You’ll be required to have a good understanding of various aspects within information security including web applications, networks and sometimes even low level technology like assembly. A good understanding of these technologies is essential to learning how to exploit them.

The aim of this path is to make you ready for real world penetration testing by teaching you how to use industry standard tools along with a methodology to find vulnerabilities in machines. By the time you complete this path, you will be well prepared for interviews and jobs as a penetration tester. To complete this path you should have a basic to medium understanding of computing.

You can use this pathway to help you acquire the skills needed to go and get certified by well known certifiers in the security industry.